“If I listen closely, I can hear the
rustle of Angels Wings and I
know you are still with us.”

My Dad – Bobby Reynolds
Why the Lucky Lotto Name? No, it’s not for my love of poker chips but it DOES have something to do with my love for my Dad. Growing up waiting on him to get off work at midnight, I would have my pony tied to the porch. We would ride until our rooster (Jimmy) crowed the next morning and that was our cue to unsaddle. I never outgrew that love of horses. As I grew into an adult, we continued riding almost every night. Spending countless hours in the round pen after work breaking horses. We raised a few colts the last several years. The last filly we raised, I was having trouble coming up with a really unique name for her. You had to know my Dad to know he played the lottery scratch-off tickets all the time! And surprisingly, he won about 75% of the time including several wins of $500, $1000, and one big win of $25,000. Yes…we heard about that one ALL the time! When I got my registration papers back on my mare, I shared them with Dad. He grinned (similar to the one you see in these pictures) and asked me how I came up with my mare’s name…BR Lucky Lotto. My response as I laughed was “BR for Bobby Reynolds and Lucky Lotto because if this mare wins us as much money as you’ve won scratching those darn lottery tickets, we will be JUST FINE!” About 6 months after that discussion my Dad gained his Heavenly Wings. My original partner Chancelee Edney and I had already scheduled a show and needed a name for it. She suggested calling it “Lucky Lotto Barrel Race” as a silent reminder that Dad was always with me. The race was a success except for the “whirlwind of an ending” we had. The last contestant was running as the tornado warnings started sounding! Needless to say, the name stuck as everyone remembered that “Lucky Lotto race where the tornado came through.” It may just be a name to some but the Lucky Lotto name will be a silent reminder of my Dad.
My Stepdad – Charlie “Pop” Crownover
Coming into our family when I was 15 years old, my stepdad was not the typical evil stepdad. He supported me at whatever I did and cared for our family like we were his own. Always dressed to the T and was always trying to convince me that he taught George Strait how to dress….even though I was never quite convinced;o) His favorite saying when something went wrong was “Awghhhh heck! Anyone can do it that way!” In 2015, I was thankful to have him a part of the opening ceremonies leading the Angels thru to set the pattern for our race. This totally made his day! My Mom & Pop sponsored the “Fast Time” Buckle for our Angels race that year. Three days after that race in 2015, things changed when Pop gained his Heavenly Wings from an unexpected accident. Although he may not physically be with us, I know he continues that support thru God’s little nudges. In return, Pop will be honored each year in a silent tribute by ordering the same exact buckle each year for the “Fast Time of the Weekend” in his memory. The same buckle he helped my mom pick out for our race. Be prepared if you are blessed to win the fast time buckle more than one year, you will be awarded the exact buckle. However, that same buckle has a very special meaning behind it and I pray the recipient each year wears this buckle proudly!

The Encourager & Motivator……

Charles Quinn
These two taught me so much after they were placed in my crazy world. Charles Quinn is an example of how to live life to the fullest, never taking “no” for an answer. Sharing his “Happy Holy Day” with everyone he came in contact with. He is a reminder of what it takes to be a winner at anything you do, pushing for the best you can give through consistent repetition, and that sharing a great big hug can help make a person feel better than ever.
Bess Chaney is a real example of strength and courage. Going from driving a truck and trailer to driving a wheelchair, she filled me with the encouragement of never giving up no matter what. She opened my eyes to how precious life is and how blessed we are on a daily basis. I am so thankful all of these individuals are constantly walking with me. I feel pretty special everyday because of it.